The Victorious Living Family & Friends Network™ mentorship program, developed in August 2002, by N. Erna Mae Francis, MA, D.D., aims to help alleviate juvenile delinquency, reduce juvenile criminal activity, school drop out rates, improve school performance, and serves to help in crime prevention.
Parents, teachers, and our society in general are struggling for answers to a dramatic rise in juvenile crimes, school drop outs, drug usage and trafficking, and other unthinkable maladies among our youth. Everyone complains and laments the problem, but few have come up with solutions.
Research Shows It Works
Research confirms what we instinctively know to be true -that a caring adult can make a big difference in a child's future. Numerous studies and research document that mentors help young people improve social skills and emotional well-being, improve cognitive skills, and plan for the future.
High-quality mentoring can also result in better attendance at school, lower dropout rates, and decreased involvement with drugs and violent behavior. In short, quality mentoring works.
Consequently, we have teamed up with social partners such as The St. Maarten Youth Council Association, The Rotary Sunrise Club and others to make a difference in the lives of our youth by providing caring mentors, and life skills empowerment for both youth and their parents.
How Does it Work?
Here is how it works:
- At-promise youth, aged 5-19 whether referred or personal choice, spend at least 2 house per week with their pre-approved mentors;
- Youth receive life skills training and tutoring at least twice per week;
- Parents receive parenting support and workshops twice per month or privately as necessary;
- Mentors receive ongoing mentorship training at least once per month;
- Counseling is provided when needed;
- Socials at least once every three months to build relationships across the network.
How Do I Get My Child Involved?
Here is how you can get your child involved:
- You pay a nominal registration fee of US $150 for one year (payment plan and sliding scale are available).
- You and your child(ren) sign a contract of agreement for one year.
- Attend and participate in the orientation activity.
- Respect the mentee-mentor relationship.
- Attend monthly support and training groups and/or socials.
- Support the efforts made by your child(ren) to improve.
- Live by example and encourage your child(ren) to engage in positive and constructive habits/activities.
Victorious Living Family & Friends Network™
Together we can alleviate juvenile delinquency, reduce juvenile criminal activity, school drop out rates, improve school performance, and help in crime prevention.